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Academia Maribor, Glavni trg 17B, 2000 Maribor

Always at your service

Student Office

02 228 35 35

Free Wi-Fi access – Eduroam

A modern computer lab with interactive monitors

Co-wokring – 40 state of the art computers for independent student work and for the work on various projects

Free career counseling

Life and accommodation in Maribor


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Other accommodations

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Pisarna (The Office) is a place of ideas. It is an environment, where everybody can find their workspace. The city, a place where different kinds of people, with different kinds of interests gather. A place that connects people and is enveloped with the good smell of fresh coffee. Pisarna is nice even on evenings, Tuesdays and Fridays are reserved for events and concerts.

Tovarna podjemov, Start:up Maribor (Start-up incubator of the University of Maribor)

Tovarna podjemov (Factory for Planning&Action) offers a cost-efficient working environment, quality business advice and education from the various fields of business. They help creative and ambitious individuals or business groups to follow their dreams and bring their entrepreneurial ideas to life.

Visit Maribor

Find information on cultural, sport and tourist events in our city on the web portal of the Maribor Tourist Board. Also, explore the abundant choice of restaurant and tourist services.

Klub mariborskih študentov

The Maribor Student Club is an association of youth, which main goal is to vitalize and improve the everyday life of students. They achieve this through innovative approaches, networking and offering students opportunities for personal growth through extracurricular activities.