Opening of the exhibition Disco School of (Co)Habitation with curator Sara Božanić

Graphic Design

Have you ever wondered what the future of our cities would look like if they were run by children? On 12 October, the exhibition Disco School, which brings together 8 schools from Austria, Slovenia, France, and Chile, opened at the Vinylograph Gallery in Vienna. Teachers, artists and children from Firmin, Murska Sobota, Vienna, and Valparaiso worked together to create a semi-fictional city plan showing their shared vision of (CO)HABITATION.

One of the curators was Sara Božanić, instructor of graphic design at VSŠ Academia. The exhibition was enriched by the (re)discovered project of Feri Novak, the architect who transformed Murska Sobota from a village into a city.


New architecture explored by children from Firmini, France

Children from Firmini, built by the famous French architect Le Corbusier, rediscovered their city and those of their peers from other countries through the prism of architecture and issues of living together.

Children from Murska Sobota, Slovenia explored new emotions

The vision of places where we experience our happiest moments, such as a film kiss, a game, or making new friends, is at the forefront of the new visions of children from Murska Sobota.



Children from Vienna, Austria, explore new policies

Children from Vienna have drawn on common problems in their daily lives to come up with well-intentioned solutions to create new policies for the prosperity, safety, cleanliness and health of their city and its people.

Children from Valparaiso, Chile, explored the modern woman

Children from Chile question the contemporary life of the Chilean woman and offer insights and perspectives on her future situation, which is crucial for tomorrow’s world.



The exhibition Disco School (CO)HABITATION was organized by the Institute for Transmedia Design and Kenyongasse AHS in collaboration with the Municipality of Murska Sobota, the Municipality of Firminy, Site Le Corbusier, Primary School III Murska Sobota, Ecole de La Tardive, Ecole du Stade, Collège Les Bruneaux, Collège Waldeck-Rousseau Firminy, France, and the St. Margaret’s School from Chile, Slovenian Cultural Information Centre (SKICA), 500 Nanómetros, Centro de Padres y Apoderados, Vienna Design Week and Academia, Maribor.


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