Impact of social media on transformation of workplace in travel agencies


Študent: Surabhi Adhikari

Surabhi Adhikari is a graduate of the Economist - Tourism module study programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. She successfully defended her thesis paper in September 2021.


Diploma paper Surabhi Adhikari

Social media is a platform where people can create and share their own content. Having this in mind, I saw it necessary to investigate whether employees have noticed the effect of the constant increase in social media usage, thus bringing noticeable transformation to their workplace.

In recent times social media has become one of the most important parts of people’s lives. Its influence has reached beyond personal lives – into business lives too.

With access to social media people in workplace can establish relationships and develop deep bonds with their colleagues – that was not possible or as easy as before. It enables the employees to communicate and get to know each other beyond their professional lives.

This can go on to enhance their experience at work with better socialization at work, mutual understanding among colleagues, coordination etc. So, in this research I am trying to examine the impact of social media on the workplace transformation.

This thesis report focuses on the relation between social media and workplace transformation, thus determining social media impacts. The country I have chosen to perform the research in is Nepal because tourism is being one of the main sources of income; Nepal is known as a tourist country.

Two travel agencies, for which I believe are the two companies with the biggest social media impact on their work environment, are taken as a reference. According to the first company of those two, Far Out Nepal, social media contributes to the business strategies of the company.

Travel agencies in Nepal uses Facebook, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, WhatsApp and other similar social media sites as a means for networking and to connect with customers via posting posts or new content on the home page. Social media in travel agencies can be used in various impactful way with the goal of a successful, steady growth and promotion of the company.

It has been prepared on the basis of research data collected through survey questionnaire during October – November 2021. Practical data were collected from 28 respondents who works in travel agencies, located, located in Kathmandu.

The questionnaire contains sixteen statements and three demographic questions. It was sent to travel agencies through google forms. Based on the results of this research, this thesis report presents conclusion and implication.

Diploma paper Surabhi Adhikari


Diploma paper Surabhi Adhikari

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