INTEGRA, Erasmus+ project – Second coordinators meeting in Kupiškis, Lithuania

The project INTEGRA, co-funded by the European Union, implemented recently its second coordinator’s meeting in the Lithuanian city of Kupiškis.

Projektna skupina se je v želji po hitri odpravi odstopanj od prvotnega časovnega načrta projekta dogovorila o organizaciji načrtovalnega obiska, na katerem bo potekala druga dejavnost učenja, poučevanja in usposabljanja v okviru financiranega projekta: Litva.

The visit consisted of a tour through the facilities in which the pupils and teachers from Slovenia and the rest of the participating countries (Latvia, Estonia) will be developing their activities. During the meeting, they visited the academic venue, the different accommodations and experienced a city tour.

Further and logistic planning was made, getting familiar with the technologies acquired by the Lithuanian institutions (robots to be used during the pupil-led masterclasses) and revisiting paperwork and bureaucracy.

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