Training for Innovative Teaching: Advancing Online Education with the D-ChallengHE Project

Academia is one of the partners of the Erasmus+ D-ChallengHE project, which aims to foster connectivity among higher education systems and address their digital transformation. The project promotes innovation in learning and teaching practices with the goal of creating a more interconnected and innovative environment for higher education.

In September 2023, the Greek project partner, the Hellenic Open University, hosted an international meeting in Patras. The event brought together project managers and staff members from all partner institutions, including Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Romania, and Slovenia. This three-day event was dedicated to training trainers who will deliver the Training for Innovative Teaching in their respective countries.


Training for Innovative Teaching

Training for Innovative Teaching is a crucial part of the D-ChallengHE project. Its goal is to empower higher education facility members to enhance online teaching practices using modern pedagogical approaches and digital technologies. To achieve this, Academia has established an online platform through which the training will take place. Alongside our partners, we have prepared content for three online courses that will be published and accessible on the platform:

  1. Soft and Communication Skills for Digital Teaching
  2. Online Teaching Methodologies
  3. Use of Artificial Intelligence in Education


In the first half of the upcoming year, all the training sessions will undergo pilot testing. Each partner country will involve three trainers who will oversee the implementation and provide support to 36 participants. To ensure the success of this training, Academia has created three user guides: one for trainers, one for coordinators, and one for participants.


Establishing a European Digital Research Hub and Serious Games for Enhanced Learning

In addition to the training, the Patras meeting also addressed other key tasks of the D-ChallengHE project. This includes the establishment of a European Digital Research Hub and the implementation of Serious Games in higher education.

In the process of establishing a European Digital Research Hub, the D-ChallengHE HUB and D-ChallengHE Observatory are being developed. The HUB promotes collaboration and the sharing of best practices among various higher education institutions. It is based on principles of openness, diversity, collaboration, and innovation, and it invites researchers, practitioners, and institutions to participate. The D-ChallengHE Observatory will be operating within the network, and focuses on digitization in European higher education. It encourages research, networking, and knowledge exchange while addressing the challenges and opportunities posed by digital technologies in education.



The D-ChallenHE project also focuses on the use of innovative methodologies for online learning. Under the guidance of Entropy KN, partners will implement the use of Serious Games in education. These games will assist students and young researchers in acquiring soft skills. Each partner in the project will create their own Serious Game, involving 20 students in the game design process.

More information about the project

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