Aljaž Ruis: Student Athlete of the Media Production study programme

Video Production

Aljaž Ruis is a student athlete and is enrolled in the Media Production study programme of Academia, module Video Production. He is also a professional futsal player and a categorized national class student athlete.

Since his childhood, Aljaž liked to play football. He decided for a career in futsal, because of the fast pace of the matches and because of the varied dynamics of the sport.

Aljaž and his team have frequently achieved the title of national champions in the youth category, where Aljaž obtained the achievements for being the top scorer. Aljaž was invited to participate for the national team for the ages up to 19 and up to 21.

Currently, Aljaž and his team, KMN Meteorplast from Ljutomer, Slovenia, are striving to qualify for the 1st Slovenian National Futsal League, and they are successfully following the path to their goal. Aljaž wished to continue his career in the national futsal team of Slovenia.

What is your schedule during regular workdays?

I think it does not differ much from the workdays of other students. Apart from my studies I also work at a student job position, but I always find the time for training as well. If we my team can’t train in a group, I train individually.

What is your schedule on weekends?

During weekends we sometimes participate in matches, but if there are none, I go to work. I dedicate the time off on weekends to my studies, be it homework or studying for an upcoming exam. If there is some spare time after that, I watch a good football match or play a video game.

Why did you decide to study at Academia and why did you choose to study Video Production ?

I chose this programme because I attended the Maribor Secondary School of Design, where I studied to be a Media Technician. I wanted to continue my education in the same field. Academia allowed me to balance my student job, professional sports training and studies.


Despite his professional career in indoor football, Aljaž tries to be present at all lectures as much as possible. If he ever fails to do so, he makes up for it by studying on his own and carries out assignments individually.

He believes that the advantage of male and female athletes in their studies are better organisational skills and perseverance. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, Aljaž’s training and matches were interrupted. This greatly slowed down the development of his futsal career and also affected his physical fitness.

After completing his studies, Aljaž wants to work for a company in his field. He wants to continue his sporting career while working. He advises other students at the Academia to be as active as possible, in any form of sport activity.

He emphasizes the fact that, when a person finishes a sporting activity, he or she feels better. This increases their productivity, creativity and enables us to achieve a clear state of mind.

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