KEYS! final transnational partnership meeting in Finland

Final transnational partnership meeting of KEYS! project, co-funded by ERASMUS+ program, was held from 27th to 29th of May 2024 in the beautiful city of Turku, Finland.


The KEYS! project’s goal is supporting migrant learners in their educational and vocational pursuits. 

Hosted by Axxell Utbildning – coordinator, the meeting took place at Aboa Mare Maritime Academy and Training Center. The venue offered a conducive environment for productive discussions and a collaborative spirit of partners (Stichting Regionaal Opleidingencentrum Zuidholland Zuid – NL, Centre for Competence Development Cyprus – CY, – GR, AEVA – Associacao Para A Educacao E Valorizacao Da Regiao De Aveiro – PT, Centro San Viator – ES, Calasanz Santurtzi S.L.- ES, IB Mitte gGmbH für Bildung und Soziale Dienste Niederlassung Sachsen – DE, ACADEMIA d.o.o – SI).


Discussions covered the organization of multiplier events, dissemination strategies, and measuring the impact of 3 project results:

  • Online Toolkit for Teachers – an interactive, inclusive toolkit designed to develop key competences among learners, particularly aiding migrant students in transitioning from integration/language training to VET.
  • Learning Portfolio that allows migrant learners to document, evaluate, and develop key competences. This portfolio is based on the toolkit and aims to support learners in their educational and career journeys.
  • Best Practices and Recommendations – a guidebook of best practices and recommendations for educators and policymakers, focusing on overcoming challenges in migrant education and promoting smooth transitions to VET.



Project KEYS! will give teachers/trainers tools, in other words keys to support learners in developing the basic skills and key competences. From the learner’s viewpoint KEYS! helps to open the doors to education, employment, and society.

Stay tuned HERE for more updates as we continue our journey to make education more inclusive and effective for migrants across Europe.


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