Business plan for establishing a company for the performance of accounting services

Accounting & Finance

Študent: Maša Kolman

Maša Kolman is a graduate of the programme Economist at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. She successfully defended her thesis paper in May 2021.


Thesis paper Maša Kolman

The economic situation in Slovenia is forcing individuals to find their own source of income. They decide to start their own business. Individuals who decide to set up an accounting service can register a company as a sole proprietor or a limited liability company.

The thesis presents the profession of an accountant and the problems accountants face in their profession. Accountants must pay attention to numerous laws, rules on behavior and manner of work, and rules on accounting at their performance.

Although the profession of an accountant is complex and very demanding, in Slovenia every individual can carry out it without any education.

Because of the disorderly situation, there is a complete degradation of the accounting profession, which is very important for the operations of companies, organizations, and public administration. To pursue the profession of an accountant, it is not clearly defined what knowledge an individual should have.

The empirical part of the thesis presents a business plan for the establishment of an accounting service for four years. The accounting service will offer bookkeeping services and tax advice. The desire is to expand e-accounting which would help increase the number of customers.

I researched the need for a new accounting service in the Savinjska and Podravska regions. The business plan shows the mission and vision of the company, goals, and strategy and shows the target customers, suppliers, and competitors.

The marketing plan for accounting services, the organizational structure of the company, and the sales plan are also presented. The financial part presents the company’s balance sheet and income statement, as well as financial indicators. I used an interview for the research part.

Seven accounting services from the Savinjska and the Podravska regions were interviewed. The results of the interviews helped me to create a business plan and I also confirmed or refuted the hypotheses by means of the interview.

The bachelor’s thesis aims to determine whether the business idea will be successful and whether I will make a profit with the newly established accounting service.

Thesis paper Maša Kolman


Thesis paper Maša Kolman

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