Mobility of Academia’s colleagues in Malaga

During May the coordinator of European Programmes and a lecturer from Academia visited the Salesian College in Malaga, Spain.

During their job shadowing in our centre, our representatives were able to visit the colleges facilities, attended some of classes, where the teachers had prepared some interesting activities. We are very grateful for the warm welcome offered by all the people involved in one way or another.

During their visit they got to know their educational projects and signed an inter-institutional agreement of collaboration between both schools that allows the application to our respective National Agencies of common projects for the exchange of students and teachers.

One of these projects, KA 131, would allow our students to carry out their internships in Spanish companies. The possibility would also be offered to recent graduates.

In addition, our school has applied for a project called Blended Intensive Program (BIP) and another Austrian educational centre so that students can share virtual and face-to-face training in the different study programmes we share.

In the same way, our teachers would have the opportunity to carry out their shadowing period at the Salesian College.

From the European Programmes department, we continue to work with enthusiasm in this line of internationalisation for Academia, which undoubtedly has a very positive impact on our students.

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