Guest lecture by the Director of 4WEB, Mr Željko Khermajer

Graphic Design

Web Production

As part of the Media Introduction course of the Media Production programme, we were joined in an online guest lecture by Mr Željko Khermajer, CEO of 4WEB, a digital agency that has been creating and maintaining websites and online shops for 21 years, as well as programming mobile applications and offering graphic design and online advertising.

As a guest lecturer in the Introduction to Media course, Željko Khermajer described 4WEB and the large number of services it provides, and focused mainly on the company’s market visibility or marketing. 4WEB is also the creator of the Stop Defaulters portal, which is the result of successful optimisation, as the site works flawlessly with a digital search library of over 300,000 keywords. 4WEB is also the creator of the Stop Neplačniki portal, which is the result of successful optimisation, as the site works flawlessly with a digital search library of over 300,000 keywords. 4WEB is the creator of the Stop Defaulters portal, which is the result of successful optimisation. The most important quality of a successful company is to see the needs of the customers and build a successful online marketing solution on the basis of that.

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