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Študent: Dina Košir

Dina Košir is a graduate of the programme Economist at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. She successfully defended her thesis paper in March 2021.


Thesis paper Dina Košir

We are living in an age where we want more of everything, and the expansion of an existing company is one of these things. Society wants more choice and therefore also spends more. There is more competition and more opportunities. Every company wants to progress and possibilities, opportunities, and means to start initial investments and later to expand activities and develop.

We are also living in a society where we have many responsibilities, but we often forget about ourselves and our health. Taking care of yourself, remembering that health comes first, stopping and taking care of our health is an essential reason for writing this diploma thesis. The ways to maintain health through all the stressful situations differ and depend on each individual.

One of these paths was explored. The research was based on an existing parttime sole proprietorship, which entered the market early last year. In this diploma thesis, I have analysed the selected business expansion idea in greater detail and realistically, and have found that it can be realized under the given conditions.

The company Dina Košir, s. p., provides services that fall under alternative forms of treatment and sells high-quality nutritional supplements suitable for vegetarians and vegans, 100 % organic, with all ingredients processed to retain as many nutrients as possible.

The company has rented business premises at a holistic centre in Maribor. The company has a unique offer of services, as the operator was educated in the field of energy medicine by Slovenian and foreign teachers between 2007–2020; in this field, the company has no competition in Maribor. She has already given more than 100 training sessions and more than 1000 lectures and therapies.

The company’s business plan also presents our customers, i. e., people who value their health, who have already had a negative experience relating to health (burnout), as well as those who want to be educated in this field, who want to get to know how the body works and what all we can achieve if we calm our thoughts.

The competition in Slovenia and in the Podravska region was reviewed and found that there is very little of similar competitors. Therefore, we are not afraid of the competition, but we will monitor it closely. We have developed a sales value plan for the next three years.  The business plan is a guideline with which we wanted to explore and show the feasibility of our business idea in the Podravska region.

Thesis paper Dina Košir


Thesis paper Dina Košir

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