The Organization of a Construction Site in Annexes of Doctor’s Offices in the Health Centre

Construction & Civil Engineering

Študent: Andreja Rajh

Andreja Rajh is a graduate of the Construction & Civil Engineering study programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. She successfully defended her thesis paper in March 2024.


Diploma paperAndreja Rajh

The diploma thesis discusses the organization of a construction site in annexes of doctor’s offices in the Murska Sobota health centre.

In the first part of the thesis, we present the issue of the health centre, its current state and the intended construction operation or annexe. We study infrastructural requirements, construction contracts, protection plans, available means of work, workforce and options for acquiring materials.

We thoroughly describe the construction site organization based on the scheme of the construction site, plan and a bill of quantities.

The description of the current state and construction site organization document already implies possible challenges. These challenges include the lack of space for building material landfills and the conditions under which the health centre can function smoothly, showing extra precautions for all its visitors and employees, and causing as little noise and dusting as possible.

The central part of the thesis focuses on these two topics with the help of financial analysis. We study the impact of these facts on the project’s cost increase.

The second part of the thesis considers more current topics in the light of environmental protection solutions and sustainable construction. We study the recycling of construction waste and how their reuse affects the project financially.

In the final chapter, which is the overarching theme of the thesis, we study whether the annexes will be built fully according to the energy efficiency guidelines in the building industry, with the help of building physics for the annexes of doctors’ offices.

Diploma paper Andreja Rajh


Diploma paperAndreja Rajh

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