Excursion of Construction & Civil Engineering students to the largest construction site in Slovenia

Construction & Civil Engineering

Students of the Construction & Civil Engineering study programme took part in a professional excursion to the largest construction site in Slovenia, as part of the Construction Production Technology course; they observed the renovation of the section of the railway line between Pesnica and Šentilj..

During the extensive construction works from October to December, this was the largest construction site in Slovenia. The lower and upper structure of the line was upgraded, the signalling installations and the overhead contact line network were renewed, and more than twenty structures were rehabilitated, including the Šentilj tunnel.

Pedestrian and cycle underpasses, lifts and new platforms with canopies have been built at Pesnica and Šentilj railway stations. The total value of the works carried out is around €44.5 million. SŽ-ŽGP and SŽ-Infrastruktur from the SŽ Group are involved in the project.

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