Guest lecture by Anica Horvat, Director of FIRST d.o.o.

Accounting & Finance

As part of the Tax course of the Economist – Accounting & Finance module, we hosted Ms. Anica Horvat, Director of the accounting service First d.o.o. in Murska Sobota, one of the largest accounting services in Slovenia, which will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year.

Ms Horvat started her guest lecture with a presentation of FIRST. The company is considered one of the largest accounting services in Slovenia and although next year will mark its 30th year of operation, the company is always committed to retaining young staff and continuous cooperation with other accounting services. The focus has been on the diversity of an accountant’s work, the ability to learn quickly and practically in response to constant new challenges. A large part of the lecture was a comparison between the work of accountants in the past – before the digital age – and the work of accountants today, at a time of rapid growth in digital literacy.

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