Guest lecture by Katarina Ložar, Assistant Director of Vizija Accounting d.d.

Accounting & Finance

As part of the Accounting for Independent Entrepreneurs course of the Economist – Accountant module, we hosted Ms. Katarina Ložar, Assistant Director of Vizija računovodstvo d.d., one of the first accounting services in Slovenia, which will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year.

The topic of the guest lecture was extremely relevant and informative, as it covered the process of opening a company and a comprehensive presentation of Vizija Accounting d.d. In the first part of the lecture, Ms Ložar discussed in detail the key steps and procedures that are necessary when opening a company. Throughout the process, she detailed the administrative requirements, legal aspects, and tax obligations that must be taken into account when setting up a company. In doing so, she offered the audience valuable advice and guidance that can facilitate and guide the path to successfully setting up one’s own business.

In the second part of the lecture, Ms Ložar comprehensively presented Vizija Accounting. She described in depth their professionalism, mission and values that form a solid foundation of the company. She also presented the diverse range of services they offer to their clients, highlighting their commitment to quality and their adaptability to the business needs of different clients. This was followed by a Q&A session, where participants had the opportunity to ask questions of Ms Ložar on the topics presented. Ms. Ložar answered with professionalism and commitment, which contributed to the interactivity of the event.

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