Guest lecture by Vito Pešič, co-founder and executive producer of Moment Collective

Media production

In the course Organisation and Management of Media Production of the Media Production programme, we hosted Mr Vito Pešič, co-founder and executive producer of a commercial production company Moment Collective.

In the first half of the guest lecture, Mr Pešič presented the commercial production company Moment Collective, where he works as an executive producer, taking care of communication between directors and clients. Moment Collective produces a variety of commercials, online videos, they direct online and TV productions, they are involved in several international multimedia projects, the last one started filming in Georgia in 2021, then they continued filming in Cyprus, they will continue in New York.

An example used in a guest lecture was a commercial for Sally Seltzer, a drink from the world-famous Danish brewery Mikeller. Moment Collective developed the concept, the idea, the shooting plan and the location. The target audience for the commercial was Eastern European countries, and the commercial was shot in Slovenia to reduce production costs. The clients of the commercial monitored the filming remotely.

Moment Collective commercial: Mikkeller – Sally’s Seltzer:

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