Guest lectures by graphic designer and visual artist Ana Ivanović at the end of the Project – Graphics course

Graphic Design

As part of the Project – Graphics course of the Media Production program, we hosted Ana Ivanović, a graphic designer and visual artist active at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Montenegro.

This academic year, the main topic of the course Project Graphics is the design of media communication in the context of the Hiša Gibanice – a product or a culinary house aiming to create an authentic culinary experience for visitors and tourists of the Pomurje region.

The emphasis is on adaptability and accessibility to all target groups (“accessible to all”), which means that the communication is adapted and accessible for people with visual, hearing, and mobility impairments. Sara Božanić and Igor Štumberger carried out the analytical work and the design concept, while Ana Ivanović was responsible for the design implementation.

The lectures in the first part of the design implementation presented the students’ ideas and concepts. In the second part, the students and the lecturer set the next steps for further development of their projects.

The focus was on how to effectively translate design concepts into media implementation, taking into account the specific requirements of the target audience and platform. The third part was reserved for the lecture, where the lecturer presented in more detail her work and experience in the field of design for media.

Students had the opportunity to receive insight into the complex design processes and strategies for creating effective messages and typography in a media context. Through the guidance of the lecturer, they completed the design steps and achieved a high level of aesthetic and functional success in their media executions.

“My Erasmus+ teaching mobility experience in Maribor, Slovenia, hosted by Maribor’s Academia from May 5th to 10th, was immensely enriching. I engaged with a group of dynamic students in accessible graphic design, beginning with an introductory session where I shared my work and learned about their aspirations. We then embarked on a practical brand design project for “Hiša Gibanice,” with students working in groups on various design tasks.

I delivered a crash course on key design principles, emphasizing accessibility and inclusive practices. The collaborative environment fostered ongoing feedback and refinement, culminating in students presenting their projects to Professor Sara Božanić and reflecting on their experiences. This transformative experience was marked by meaningful engagement, collaborative learning, and a commitment to fostering inclusive design practices.”

The guest lectures concluded with a final presentation of the media performances, followed by an evaluation of the work and a reflection session, where participants assessed the results achieved and discussed further proposals.

The final presentation of the products to the client will take place on Monday 03.06.2024.

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