Maja Lekš, employee of the insolvency administrator and alumni of VSŠ Academia


V sklopu predmeta Insolventni postopki programa Ekonomist – modul Računovodja smo 22. maja 2024 gostili našo alumno Majo Lekš, zaposleno pri stečajnem upravitelju.

On 22 May 2024, as part of the Insolvency Procedures course of the Economist – Accounting & Finance, we hosted our alumni Maja Lekš, an employee of an insolvency administrator.

In the introductory part of the guest lecture, Ms. Ms Lekš gave a detailed presentation of the Slovenian Accounting Standard, emphasising its importance in financial reporting and analysing the performance of companies. She then went on to address the topic of insolvency proceedings, highlighting the key stages and legal aspects of the process.

Particular emphasis was given to the accounting and tax aspects of the insolvency process. Ms Lekš explained to the students how accounting is adapted in the context of insolvency proceedings and what the tax implications are for the insolvent company and its creditors.

In the final part of the lecture, Ms. Lekš presented a basic financial restructuring plan. She introduced the students to strategies and methods for resolving the financial difficulties of bankrupt companies and stressed the importance of a sustainable plan for business recovery or liquidation.


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