Comparison between the existing tender of the Eco fund 67SUB-OBPO19 with the tender 41SUB-OBPO16

Construction & Civil Engineering

Študent: Matej Milovanovič

Matej Milovanovič is a graduate of the Construction & Civil Engineering study programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. He successfully defended his thesis paper in December 2021.


Diploma paper Matej Milovanovič

The diploma thesis deals with the comparison of the existing tender of the Eco Fund 67SUB-OBPO19 with the tender 41SUB-OBPO16. Both tenders offer a non-refundable financial incentive to invest in a measure that increases the energy savings of buildings.

Energy savings of buildings can be increased by thermal insulation of the facade (both tenders), thermal insulation of the roof or ceiling against an unheated room (both tenders), heating system optimization (both tenders), thermal insulation of the ground in the field or the floor above the unheated room or basement (includes only tender 67SUB-OBPO19), and installation of ventilation with waste air heat recovery (includes only tender 67SUB-OBPO19).

When we talk about thermal insulation of the facade, we actually mean the renovation of the facade with additional thermal insulation.

The work phases include the rehabilitation of the existing facade, which in some places is already sagging or causing strong thermal bridges, the addition of thermal insulation and a new finishing layer that functionally replaces the original plaster and gives the building its final appearance.

By optimizing the heating system, the hydraulic balancing of the heating system is meant. With hydraulic balancing, we achieve the same heat supply to all radiators, regardless of the floor of the building.

Hydraulic balancing also solves uneven flow through common vertical pipes, which often leads to rustling and cracking along the pipes. Unfortunately in my opinion, the installation of recuperation is often overlooked, which actually actively affects the air we breathe in living spaces.

Although the tenders are similar at first glance, it must be acknowledged that the new tender with the requirement for project for implementation and supervision, changes in the required insulation thickness and a new subsidy for basement insulation significantly changed the decision on which measure the investor will choose.

Through my diploma thesis, I find that with the new Eco Fund tender, the investment in a measure that increases the energy savings of buildings has become cheaper and at the same time improved in quality compared to the investment under the previous tender.

Measures in the thermal insulation of the facade, optimization of the heating system and extensive energy rehabilitation of the building are actually even more encouraged with the new tender than in the past, alternatively the tender is still not optimal in terms of roof and basement insulation.

Diploma paper Matej Milovanovič


Diploma paper Matej Milovanovič

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