Installation of technical security systems in a commercial building

Security Engineering

Študent: Jože Kirbiš

Jože Kirbiš is a graduate of the Security Engineering programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. He successfully defended his thesis paper in May 2023.


Diploma paper Jože Kirbiš

The diploma thesis “Installation of technical security systems in a commercial building” tries to present what it is necessary to do and know if we want to implement appropriate technical security in a business facility. But in order for this to be done, one has to know what all falls under the working environment in the first place.

The diploma thesis will also present what technical security systems are and how they have developed throughout history until today and how they are divided according to their purpose. In the following, we touch on the reasons why business facilities are protected, and what should we pay attention to when planning security.

However, in my thesis, I compared our regulations in the field of technical security with regulations in the neighboring country Austria. In particular, I would like to know how many standards are enforced in the Republic of Austria and who is installing technical security systems in the facilities.

In more detail, an example of the practice of setting up technical security systems in a business facility is described. How to conduct a survey of the facility itself, and its surroundings, and how to prepare a security plan and risk assessment based on the information obtained. We have a facility that includes several different activities namely, sales, development, design, production, and warehouses.

The emphasis is on the appropriateness of the necessary system to ensure security and the client’s wishes. The example shows fire protection and how much an investor can influence in deciding the acquisition and integration of one of these systems into the facility itself.

It is also explained in more detail when and what kind of a facility must be protected by technical security and when the security is considered as higher standard.

For a better understanding, the thesis also explains in more detail what mechanical protection is and what technical protection is. It is also presented how mechanical and technical protection can be interconnected. How much technical security affects mechanical security, and who all needs to be coordinated to ensure that these systems are connected?

Technical security systems are specifically presented, what they are and what they are for, and how they are divided within their usefulness and purpose of protection.

I will also present an interview that was conducted with the technical director of one of the companies involved in technical security.


Diploma paper Jože Kirbiš


Diploma paper Jože Kirbiš

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