Optimisation of quality in the processing department of a selected company

Mechanical Engineering

Študent: Vanja Roze

Vanja Roze is a graduate of the Mechanical Engineering programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. She successfully defended her thesis paper in June 2021.


Thesis paper Vanja Roze

In the 18th century, diverse organisational structures developed within production companies. Serial production demanded process optimisation in the companies – as in general production as well as in support services.

The competing company is thus forced into manufacturing process change; consequently, efficiency, flexibility and lean production systems are achieved. Continuous improvements, process optimisations and satisfied employees reduce the proven existing labour costs.

The company, which is fully aware of the competitive advantages, uses the methods and tools of lean production.

Overcoming quality within production companies is a complex task, as it requires a holistic approach towards organisation, management and planning of the entire production processes.

Nowadays, adapted designs have gained acceptance worldwide – Slovenian companies also manage at least one of many advanced lean production methods. Which method is chosen depends on the production needs that correspond to the production philosophy.

The key to success and the intended goal is thorough and detailed deployment. Consistent deployment oversees experienced personnel. Lean production methods should be known by all employees. Hereafter, one of the most effective approaches to quality improvement is the SMED method, including process alignment and 6 Sigma.

With the planned introduction of lean production, we wanted to show in general how quality and company productivity can be increased in the pre-treatment department.

With the introduction of the SMED method and process balancing, we will look at how various production times or rejects can be reduced and timely deliveries of semi-finished goods can be ensured.

Thesis paper Vanja Roze


Thesis paper Vanja Roze

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