Protocol IPv4 to protocol IPv6 transition

Network Computing

Študent: Boštjan Sternad

Boštjan Sternad is a graduate of the Computer Science - Network computing module study program at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. He successfully defended his thesis paper in March 2023.


Diploma paper Boštjan Sternad

The Internet and information technology are almost irreplaceable in everyday life and have already been almost fully implemented in our environment. The fast way of life also requires the use of increasingly faster and better devices, which not only help us at work, but we increasingly use them for various types of monitoring and control of our living environment.

Let’s imagine how our everyday life would go without the Internet, e-mail, mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and similar smart devices. It is impossible or unimaginable.

Technology development definitely has a strong impact on our environment, both working and living, and we cannot and do not want to stop it. Even if we retreat to a less developed environment without all these devices and gadgets, sooner or later we are faced with the fact that we need or want at least some of it.

Humans are social creatures; therefore, we cannot live in isolation, cut off from the world. Information technology enables us to do just that, to connect, socialize, and communicate.

In my diploma thesis, I will demonstrate the transition from the IPv4 internet protocol to the IPv6 internet protocol for Miklavž elementary school.

Precisely during the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for the best possible connectivity and communication via the internet became apparent in all schools. The largest internet connection providers have been supporting the IPv6 internet protocol for quite some time, which is more suitable than the IPv4 protocol due to its security and stability.

Although the school already partially uses the IPv6 protocol within the Edoroam system itself, the IPv4 protocol is still in use for the most part. The biggest problem that IPv4 causes is above all the security of connecting accounting via a remote desktop to a server with sensitive data.

The security shortcoming of the connection itself is therefore solved through the Arnes institute, which by opening and closing individual connecting internet channels (eng. port) enables or prevents unwanted intrusions into the local school network.

It is the IPv6 protocol with its built-in mechanisms that prevent such and similar internet attacks and is, therefore, a very sensible choice of a suitable internet protocol.


Diploma paper Boštjan Sternad


Diploma paper Boštjan Sternad

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