Video advertising on Instagram

Video Production

Študent: Lota Smodiš

Lota Smodiš is a graduate of the Media Production programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. She successfully defended her thesis paper in September2022.


Diploma paper Lota Smodiš

The thesis Video advertising on Instagram presents different types of video advertising on the Instagram application, how they differ, and which ones to choose to achieve a particular goal.

It contains comparisons and statistical data compared to other countries. Finally, it also includes the production of video advertising in theory and the example of one’s experiment.

The research aims to discover how to connect the film language and advertising principles to achieve greater exposure and recognition, together with viewer interactivity.

To help answer the questions, I created an online questionnaire and used charts to present the results.

The goal of the work was to acquire knowledge of the production of video advertising in the field of social networks, specifically Instagram. To achieve the goal, I did an experiment in which I created the entire process of producing a video ad for the company and focused on various videos. The process is described and also illustrated with pictures during the process.

The thesis could guide and help in planning video ads on Instagram and other social networks.

I started posting on Instagram when I edited posts for MFDPŠ as a part of my practical work at the Studio Alp company. Advertising on this platform caught my attention, and I wanted to explore it.

I haven’t paid much attention to advertising on Instagram so far, so I wanted to delve further into both the basic and advanced functions and thus gain a realistic view of the Instagram platform and its video content background and compared it to the TikTok platform.

I learned how many different factors, knowledge, and organization are behind this process if you want to perform it well and successfully in the long term.

In addition, this confirms the claim that for the distribution of a video ad, it is sufficient to advertise video content on mobile devices; for this, we do not need mass media. Besides, advertising on social media is usually cheaper than on traditional media such as television.

Diploma paper Lota Smodiš


Diploma paper Lota Smodiš

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