Guest lecture by Aleksander Štefanac, President of the Chamber of Accounting Services of Slovenia (ZRS)

Accounting & Finance

As part of the Foundations of Accounting course of the Economist – Accountant study program, we hosted Mr. Aleksander Štefanec, President of the Chamber of Accounting Services of Slovenia (ZRS), who presented to the students the functions of the Chamber, accounting services in Slovenia, the link between accounting services and decision-making.

Aleksander Štefanac, President of the Chamber of Accounting Services (ZRS), recently visited VSŠ Academija, specifically students of the Economist – Accountant module, for a guest lecture focusing on the key role of knowledge in accounting in Slovenia. His lecture covered a wide range of accounting topics, and he also highlighted the role of the CCA in promoting the development and standardization of the accounting profession.



Mr. Štefanac shared with the students his broad knowledge and deep experience in the field of accounting. He highlighted the issues facing accounting professionals in today’s corporate world and stressed the importance of continuous education and adaptation to new legislative changes and technological improvements. He stressed the need for practical training in developing competent accounting professionals and pointed out that academic knowledge from textbooks is not enough, as actual skills and experience in a real business environment are essential. He gave students an understanding of the complexity of accounting work and the difficulties faced by professionals, using real-life examples.

He concluded his lecture by stressing the need for professional development and keeping up to date with developments in the field of accounting; the Chamber of Accountancy Services, of which he is President, plays an important role in this by providing support, training, and a network for accounting professionals and ensuring the quality of service provision in the sector.


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