Guest lecture by the Director of Obzorje d.o.o. Director of Horizon – Jožica Planinšec Deržek

Accounting & Finance

Within the Financial Accounting course of the Economist – Accounting & Finance module, we hosted Ms. Jožica Planinšec Deržek, Director of Obzorje d.o.o. We are a company with a long tradition in the field of accounting, tax and consulting for more than 70 economic entities.

The main topic of the guest lecture was an insight into the complex rules governing the treatment of intangible assets, investments and inventories, with a focus on compliance with the provisions of Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) 3 and 4. Ms Planinšec Deržek highlighted the key aspects of FRS 3 and 4, focusing on the correct accounting treatment of investments and inventories.

Participants had the opportunity to actively participate in solving practical examples, which helped to better understand the theoretical concepts in a real business environment.

A number of practical examples were also presented, which enabled participants to apply the concepts of financial reporting, valuation and measurement to real business situations. This added practical value to the lecture as participants were able to directly confront the challenges they face in their working environment.

The guest lecture was extremely informative and enlightening, with Ms. Planinšec Deržek left a strong impression with her knowledge and experience. The event was an excellent opportunity to explore in depth the accounting rules in line with current standards.

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