Lovro Mažgon, Staff software engineer at the US company Meroxa

Computer sciences

As part of the Computer Science study programe Design and Application Development course, we hosted Lovro Mažgon, a Staff software engineer at the American company Meroxa, where he develops solutions for moving data in real-time.

Lovro Mažgon, HR software engineer at MEROXA in the US, gave a two-hour guest lecture on 30 May 2024, focusing on approaches and ways of working in open-source communities. Mr Mažgon started the lecture with an introduction to the basics of open source development, explaining that open source is based on collaboration between developers around the world. He stressed the importance of transparency and code sharing, which allows for faster identification and debugging, as well as greater innovation.

He then gave the students concrete examples of projects he had worked on at MEROXA. He explained how the company approaches the design and development of applications in an open-source way, stressing the importance of testing, documentation, and the use of modern tools for the different phases of software development. The lecture also included an interactive part where students could ask questions.

The lecture ended with a discussion on the future of open-source development and its impact on the software industry. Mr Mažgon stressed that the open source philosophy encourages innovation and enables faster progress, which is crucial for the future of technology.

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