Entries by Academia Maribor

Successful project application and start of SMART skills 4.0

Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education was successful on the application for the project SMART skills 4.0. and is announcing the start of the project. Links to the project start documents are available in Slovenian and English. The goal of the subject is to support the development of advanced skills of students, lecturers and the […]

Academia uspešno postala koordniator Eramus+ projekta “DigiWomen”

Academia Maribor University of Applied Sciences is pleased to announce that it will coordinate the European project “DigiWomen“, which will be developed with the help of European partner institutions, within the Erasmus+ KA2020 Programme – Training Courses. The project, with the full title “Development of a digital tool for literacy training for rural women”, will […]

Academia uspešna na razpisu Evropske komisije za Erasmus+ projekt “DIG4LIFE”

Višja strokovna šola Academia Maribor z veseljem sporoča, da bo v okviru programa Erasmus + KA201 – strateška partnerstva za šolsko izobraževanje, sodelovala na evropskem projektu DIG4LIFE, ki se bo razvijal s pomočjo evropskih partnerskih institucij. Projekt s polnim naslovom DIG4LIFE: Digital for Literacy and Future Education, se bo začel 01. septembra 2020 in bo trajal […]